The modern type of celery was developed from wild celery, which is believed to have originated in marshy areas around the Mediterranean. Its seeds were once widely used as a medicine, particularly as a diuretic.
Leaf celery has been cultivated for many years in Western Europe for flavoring purposes and as a leaf garnish.
Leaf celery was a herb known to the ancient Romans. Writers of the day often mentioned both a wild and a cultivated sort.
It appears that the leaves of wild celery were first used as a medicine because the earliest mention of the plant in ancient literature is in Homer’s Odyssey, within in the 9th century BC.
Later, just before the Christian Era celery leaves were used by the Greeks as laurels for their athletes and in funeral wreaths.
Cultivated celery as recorded in 1623 in France, where plants with a milder taste were selected from wild plants for use as a vegetable.
Leaf celery is still used today in many parts of Western Europe, Israel and Asia.
Celery was brought to the United States early in the 9th century.
Celery leaf in history
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