Charles Cretors was the first of Chicago to develop a steam-driven machine in 1885 to popcorn in such volume that it could be sold from street wagons propelled first by hand, then by horse and finally by gasoline motor.
Creator got a license to operate his machine on the street and the rest was history. The Cretors machine automatically popped corn in a mixture of one-third clarified butter and two-third lard and salt. He was the first to use oil. The result was a machine that popped corn in its own seasoning – uniformity for the first time.
A gasoline fueled wet (oil) popping machine which was also had a small compartment for roasting peanuts. It was patented in 1893 and shown at the Columbian Exposition that year.
These carts were quickly seen on every street following the hungry crowds.
The machine could roast 12 pounds of peanuts, 20 pounds of coffee, popcorn and bake chestnuts as well.
Charles Cretors invented popcorn machine