Wednesday, August 17, 2022

History of fig in United States

Hildegard of Bingen who founded the monasteries of Rupertsberg in 1150, freely prescribes figs for the infirm, but restricts their consumption by the healthy.

In 9 BC, figs were believed to be brought to Ancient Greece from Egypt - but their growth quickly spread across the land. It reached as far north as England in the early 1500s, when it was already reported as being cultivated in China.

Spanish Franciscan missionaries brought the fig to southern California in 1520, leading to the variety known as the Mission fig.

The first figs in the New World were planted in Mexico in 1560. Captain John Smith noted its existence in Virginia by 1621, the cultivar having been transplanted from Bermuda.

Figs were introduced into California when the San Diego Mission was established in 1769. Later, many special varieties were received from Europe and the eastern United States where the fig reached Virginia in 1669.

Nowadays the fig is an important crop for many regions with sub-tropical and tropical climates. In temperate zones production is limited and usually the fruit is consumed fresh locally or in dried, canned and preserved form.
History of fig in United States