An important turning point for the company occurred in 1866, when it introduced a process for pressing the cocoa butter from the coca bean.
The addition of cocoa presses at Cadbury produced a reduced fat cocoa powder that the company named Cocoa Essence, which became an immediate success. The process was considered a trade secret.
By 1879 the firm had grown so successful that George Cadbury built what came to be known as the ‘factory in a garden’ on a parklike property in Bourneville, England.
Cadbury’s Dairy Milk chocolate was developed and launched in the early 1905 and similar products by many other manufacturers followed. It remains a favorite of UK customers to this day.
In 1916, Cadbury decided to package the products into ½ lb, rather plainly decorated boxes and soon had a runaway success on their hands from the much more popular-tasting Milk Tray.
Early History of Cadbury chocolate